Persuasive Essay On Adoption

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An adopted infant by Paul and Clara in February 1955 was brought into a loving family and given the opportunity to change his fate, as told by in Publications International. Little did Paul and Clara know the influence they would have today. By accepting this little baby boy who would impact millions, they changes his fate and lot in life, his name was Steve Jobs. Where would Apple Computers, iPods, iPhones, and all other Apple products be if Steve Jobs was not adopted and taken out of the system? The image of the “normal” American family – father, mother, two kids, and a dog or cat – has become less and less familiar over time. These days, families are becoming more blended and “progressive” more creative in terms of structure. When thinking of the possibility of adoption, many focus on the negative aspects such as the extensive time…show more content…
There will always be people who will not have a natural family willing or able to take them in. Though all of these statements are true and inevitable, they create more the reasons to make the decision to adopt. Adoption is a serious decision, it is taking on the responsibility of caring for a child and growing them up into the man or woman that God intended them to be. Not only are the benefits ample for the adopting family by teaching the real meaning of how to love unconditionally, but it is also the opportunity to change a life forever. A life that could influence and make a difference, or a life that is troubled without guidance and the opportunity to succeed. Adoption is not the answer for everyone or always the right option, but adoption with all of its benefits should be a viable consideration for all when thinking about our world, our families, and the family of God that Christ has called us to

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