How Did Christopher Columbus Successful

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“Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492.” Many people think Christopher Columbus was the first person to “discover” America. Actually, Viking explorers had sailed to Greenland and Newfoundland in the 11th century. Without Christopher Columbus, though, life wouldn’t be the same for Americans. Christopher Columbus’ early life, his ideas about searching for Asia, his original travels and voyages, and his later travels and voyages were all critical parts of history. Future explorer and navigator Christopher Columbus was born in the Republic of Genoa, Italy between August 26th and October 31st, 1451. He lived in middle-class society, though his precise location remains unknown. When Christopher was in his teens, he got a job on a merchant ship. Unfortunately, the ship was attacked, and young Columbus was forced to float away on a piece of scrap wood…show more content…
Later that year, he traveled back to America and explored more islands in the Caribbean Ocean. When Columbus arrived at Hispaniola, he and his crew discovered the Navidad settlement had been abolished with all the sailors dead. To this day, no one really knows what happened. Columbus tried to come to an agreement with the native population to explore for gold and rebuild the settlement, believing it would be profitable. His efforts produced small amounts of gold but great hatred among the native population. Before returning to Spain, Columbus left his brothers Bartholomew and Diego in charge of the settlement on Hispaniola and sailed around the larger Caribbean islands further convincing himself he had discovered the outer islands of China. Since Columbus couldn’t gather enough gold to bring back to Spain, he sent some 500 natives he made his slaves whom he captured in the Americas to Queen Isabella. The queen was horrified–she strongly disagreed with slavery–and she quickly and sternly refused the
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