How Did African Americans Gain Their Civil Rights In The United States?

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Since the discovery of the New World in 1492, the black people have always been part of the American Society. Unfortunately, it took until the beginning of the 1960s that the African American population gains its full rights as an American citizen. This was mainly due to their background as slaves in the south, and the question of their civil rights only surfaced at the end of the Second World War when part of the American society realized that while they though the Nazis and claimed to be the moral compass of the world, the lynching of blacks was still legal in some states. What followed was 25 years of bloody social conflicts in which the blacks slowly and painfully gained their rights, the worse cases being in the south where most of the black slaves lived and where…show more content…
From the end of WWII to the 1960s the black progress was mostly peaceful thanks to symbolic figures like Martin Luther King, but it radicalized later on due to social movements like black power who estimated the political reforms to be too slow and ineffective. During World War II, America fought against a system that methodically exterminated a community and therefore the US claims to be the representation of social liberty. At home, in some states such as Mississippi, blacks are portrayed such as inferior humans and are regularly lynched. President Truman is outraged by this hypocritical image the US is giving to the world and feels a strong urge to help the African American community. In December 1946, the year in which he is elected, the president creates a committee on Civil Rights who’s purpose is to recommend a series of actions to eliminate social inequality. Unfortunately, Congress refuses all the recommendations and Truman feels forced to issue an executive order barring segregation in every federal agencie in 1948. The south
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