Masters And Slaves In The Revolutionary Era

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The British colonies became their own independent nation in 1776. Around that time, nationalism provided a sense of hope for the new nation. The United States quickly became a nation that trades with many other countries. As the nation flourished with a relatively steady economy, slaves were becoming more and more popular throughout the nation as a very useful tool to gain income. Although it was improving the economy, importing slaves became a major issue throughout the eras. In the Revolutionary Era, the relationship between the masters and their slaves were new relationships. The masters were more lenient towards the rules and freedom the slaves had. In Antebellum America, the relationship between the masters and slaves increased to a more violent and strict correlation. In the Civil War and Reconstruction Era, Americans became dependent on slaves and treated them very poorly. However, by the end of the era slavery was abolished. In the Gilded Age, after a long battle for abolition, African Americans still had to deal with segregation and less freedoms than white Americans. The relationship between the masters and slaves changed from a lenient relation to a strict bond throughout the eras due to the ideas that the master was exposed to and the battle for abolition. In the beginning of the Revolutionary Era, the British colonies were…show more content…
Former slave owners and racist people began verbally attacking African Americans. They had to deal with the prejudiced laws made against them like the gun control laws (Burr). The fight for the end of slavery was over, but a new battle was about to arise. The unfairness of the treatment angered the African Americans. The relationship between the African Americans and the racist white Americans added even more tension in our nation due to the racist ideas that were made throughout the
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