Homeland Security Interoperability

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Interoperability within Homeland Security An issue of interoperability has always been a concern of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) since its creation. In an effort to improve the exchange of information between various public safety agencies, it is imperative to ensure accessibility of national security data to allow first responders to be punctual. The goal of this paper is to explain some agencies that have been created to ensure public safety such as National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) and Global Justice XML Data Model (GJXDM). I aim to explain why there is a need to improve interoperability and how these models assist with interoperability for public safety. The final section will include why communication is very…show more content…
The Public Safety Wireless Network (PSWN) is a program developed to protect the information use interoperable technologies to prevent vulnerabilities. However, there is a need to connect technologies and processes to organize better and make information more efficient. Cost models such as NIEM was created to help "demonstrate efficiencies and organization(s) could realize each time a NIEM exchange is implemented through re-use" (About NIEM, 2015, para. 5). This model is a budgeting tool helps organize the general costs and potential cost savings for information. GJXDM is a model within NIEM that focuses more on the technical aspect of transmitting information. Information is transferred between agencies in bits and bytes that GJXDM…show more content…
Daley (2003) explains the record of discord among local and state public safety agencies, because coordination was not a priority (p. 6). However, past experiences show that today interoperability is critical to DHS. For example, coordinating responses with field officers directly allow first responders to more efficiently assist the community. The use of NIEM and GJXDM models assist information interchange to occur more effectively. Deukmedjian (2008) explain how "public safety interoperability thus engenders new practice of leveraging governmental knowledge or intelligence" (p. 132). This is necessary due to the vast number of public safety workers and citizens who depend upon the information, processes and resources are accessible in case of danger. Mountjoy (2003) notes that "…more than 2.5 million public safety first responders in the United States, communications interoperability among the 50,000 local, state and federal agencies is critical to ensuring effective and prompt emergency response" (p. 30). For example, the mutual language allows various agencies to have to same policies, terms, and information definitions to exchange information more efficiently. The NIEM programs have assisted in Amber Alert and increased response

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