Assignment 1: Describe Homeland Security

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Question 1: Describe homeland security as it is defined in the various U.S. national security strategies and policies. When it comes to our homeland there is a lot to defend. The United States of America contains not only millions of people but numerous resources that could devastate the country if lost. The worst case scenario is the loss of nuclear resources which could drive us into another war. War is not on our “to do” list so we strive to protect those assets. In order to fully protect all assets one must separate Homeland Security and Homeland Defense. Those differences can contain separate political actors, operational alternatives, bureaucratic agencies, and legislative decrees (Noftsinger, Newbold and Wheeler 2007). Homeland Security…show more content…
The critical infrastructure protection programs of the U.S. has undergone multiple transitions throughout its history. It has now become what we know as baseline for ensuring America remains at its current state at all times. Critical infrastructures are a compilation of everything required to ensure American society runs smoothly. The protective programs put in place are necessary elements which both strengthen and maintain the functionality and security of the assets. The most important piece of the protection of critical infrastructures is that of the prioritization system. In times of attack or emergency situations, the prioritizing system in place allows owners, operators, and private parties to know where they stand in case of a multi-staged attacks on identified resources. One critical job of private sectors is to identify any vulnerabilities that the resources currently has and find a way to make that vulnerability into either a strength or neutral…show more content…
Those three imperatives are “refine and clarify functional relationships across the Federal Government to advance the national unity of effort to strengthen critical infrastructure security and resilience; enable effective information exchange by identifying baseline data and systems requirements for the Federal Government; and implement an integration and analysis function to inform planning and operations decisions regarding critical infrastructure (Secretary 2013).” There are multiple designated critical infrastructure sectors and sector specific agencies. There are sixteen in total which are as follows: chemical; commercial facilities; communications; critical manufacturing; dams; defense industrial base; emergency services; energy; financial services; food and agriculture; government facilities; healthcare and public health; information technology; nuclear reactors; materials and waste; transportation systems; water and wastewater systems. Each individual infrastructure manages its own part and conducts its own risk

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