Greet Hofstede's Impact On Culture

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Introduction Culture is a complex definition which leads to difficulties of its clear explanation. Many professors, scientists, and experts research this matter and have considered its features. Greet Hofstede’s explanation of culture is a number of people forming a group by their specific values, understandings, and procedures which differentiates them from the others. (Hofstede and McCrae, 2004) Another definition is provided, relating culture to the decision-making process of a problem and the differences between countries while doing it. (Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner, 2014) Whereas Schwartz (2006), defines it as a group of features such as, beliefs, values, symbols, norms, etc. which are the same for people within a group but differ from…show more content…
Countries like Germany have a high score on this dimension which makes them individualistic society. Such people are considered to have tight circle involving just their immediate families, have weak relationships outside it and have higher competition between each other. Whereas Nigeria, for example, have a lower index of individualism which groups them as a collectivist country. Such societies accept and expect people close to them not only the inner family to be involved in their life, to support and help them and vice versa. (Hofstede,…show more content…
In countries such as Poland, the index of uncertainty avoidance is high which means that such societies do their best to prevent or predict future deviations from their tested and proven patterns. Such countries become insecure changes so they try to avoid it. Nigeria is one of the countries with a low index of uncertainty avoidance. They accept and expect a change to happen and does not feel insecure about it. They learn how to live and adjust to it. (Hofstede, 2011) Long versus short-term oriented countries differ by the importance which they give to the past or future events. Long-term orientation has countries such as Croatia accept and expect to achieve future goals by working on them in the present. Other like Denmark are short-term oriented. Such countries review the past as important and honored time, they expect and accept from other to keep the traditions and continue to support them. (Hofstede, 2011) Schwartz, on the other hand, focuses on values and their importance. The theory of basic human values distinguishes 10 core values by which oppose each other and compare the countries by their beliefs: (Schwartz, 2012) • Self-Direction is described as level of freedom and expression of the

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