Personal Narrative Essay: Moving Back To Mexico

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As we grow up we start losing the eagerness to make new discoveries, take chances, and learn new things, we try to avoid getting out of our comfort zone as much as we can. I personally believe that sometimes the things we don’t really expect to happen can become beautiful memories. I was just seven years old when I got some unexpected news that would give my life an exciting turn… I was born in Mexico City but at the age of three, I moved to Cancun. I was raised in a family where the bible is something fundamental; therefore, my parents were always seeking to learn more profoundly about it. That was the main reason they decided to immigrate to Israel, where most of the Bible events took place. The day I found out I was moving somewhere else, I remember being in my room playing with…show more content…
Coming back to Mexico wasn’t as hard as moving to Israel; however, it was still difficult to adapt to a new lifestyle all over again, I was really happy to see my grandparents and my friend Ximena again, and to finally eat tortillas and tacos; although I was still missing Israel. After three years of living in Mexico without being able to practice my Hebrew, I started to forget it. It is then, my parents told me that my grandpa was healthy already, so we were heading back to Israel. I was eleven by the time my family and I arrived to Israel. The city we were living in this time was different from the one before; even though I did forget some words, I could still understand most of the things; therefore, communicating was no longer a problem. Same as before, I went to school and a Hebrew tutor helped me to reinforce the things I had

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