History Of The Railway Essay

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The wheel and the railways are synonymous with the rise of civilisation. The invention of the wheel led to the development of transportation, and several technological developments that ushered in the growth of science. Excavations in Harappa, Mohenjodaro, and Egypt found evidence from more than 6,000 years ago of wheeled carts driven by animals. With the onset of the Renaissance in the European continent after the Middle Ages, cast iron wheels started changing the shape of growth by setting in motion the European Industrial Revolution in the 18th century. This eventful century drew to a close with the invention of steam power and the steam engine that was successfully utilised by the railways in the early decades of the 19th century. By the middle of the 19th century, the railways had become the previous possession of the civilised world on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. In this chapter an attempt is made to discuss early history of Railways right from It’s Inception to Present. The wheels of the train are a technological marvel. The railway tracks are tangential to the wheels and the train uses steam, diesel, or electricity as fuel. To keep the train in motion it requires a group of engineers, technicians, and technically skilled workers to operate it, thus forming the core business of the…show more content…
One might disagree about the extent of its initial contribution to the developing economy, but nobody can deny the fact that the railways assumed the status of a lifeline for the national economy much before the dawn of Independence in India. The railways probably went out of fashion for a decade or two in the second-half of the 20th century in Europe because of its over-burdened programmes and expenditure and tough competition. But within India, the railways are regarded as the cheapest and most convenient mode of transport and is used by citizens through the length and breadth of the

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