Mary, Perfection Of The Ark Of The New Covenant

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Mary, Perfection of the Ark of the Covenant Certainly, we are familiar with some titles attached to the person of the Blessed Virgin Mary which show clearly how she fulfilled the Old Testament as the woman who, with and through her offspring, will have to crush the head of the devil (see Gen 3:15) . She perfected that promise from her conception to her appearance in the heavenly temple as the New Ark of the New Covenant in the apocalyptic vision of St. John (Rev12). Then, the most eminent and common titles in regard to this fulfillment are the Mother of God, New Covenant, New Eve, New Creation, Queen Mother of Heaven and Earth, Daughter of Zion, Ark of the New Covenant, and so on. In this essay, we will focus on the title of the New of the New Covenant by demonstrating how the Blessed Virgin perfected the Ark of the Old Testament or, on other words, how the ark of the Old Covenant foreshadowed the role of the Virgin Mary as the physical dwelling place of God presence on earth.…show more content…
I will do so by comparing some biblical passages of the Old Testament with some particular texts in the New

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