Military Innovation In The Interwar Period (1919-1939)

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The interwar period from 1919-1939 is an important time because it set the course for how many countries viewed the future of warfare. Throughout this period, every country took the time to study lessons from WWI, but few did it as well as Germany. While Germany found itself on the losing end of WWI, it took full advantage of the interwar period studying history and creating change to prepare its military for future war. Innovation is essential during the interwar period, because with it came change. The term innovation has many definitions, for the discussion here innovation: is breaking away from doing the same thing repeatedly, it originates from a new thought or idea that creates change in an organization, a process, or equipment.…show more content…
Williamson Murray a prominent military historian highlights this in his book “Military Innovation in the Interwar Period”: “Seeckt created a very different officer corps from what had existed before World War I, one whose cultural ethos emphasized intellectual as well as tactical operational excellence.” This change emphasized the need for lower level participation and bottom up refinement on future processes. Additionally, professional military education became a major focus, teaching officers at the highest levels, several levels above their current billet. Doing this allowed Germany to create a very proficient officer corps and highly trained staffs at all levels. This level of training and education led to the establishment of a professional staff in all major components in the…show more content…
After the war, its economy was a shell of what it once was mainly due to the Treaty of Versailles restricting its growth. Throughout the interwar period, the German economy went through several highs and lows, but saw the most impressive improvements when the Nazi Party gained control of the government. The Great Depression was looming in Germany at this time and the people required a change, the Nazis capitalized by creating jobs. Unemployment in Germany dropped from 6 million people in 1933 to 302,000 in 1939. With a future war on the minds of the Nazis, the focus for Germany became rearmament, which ultimately spurred a successful economy due to government-control. With rearmament the goal, jobs were created that increased in the production of oil, coal, and iron; additionally, hidden industrial factories were built concentrating on building tanks, boats, and planes. Not wanting to alarm the allies of rearmament, the Nazis disguised these factories to further their

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