Jane Addams: The Mother Of All Social Work In America

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Jane Addams was born in Cedarville Illinois, on September 6, 1860. She was best known for co-founding the hull house with Ellen Gates Starr in 1898. She is considered to this day “the mother of all social work in America”, she was the first women public philosopher, she was a settlement activist, reformer, she is considered to be “the founder of the social work profession in the united states,” she is the author of “twenty years at hull house”, democracy, and social effects, among others. Addams was also involved in women's suffrage as the vice president, and she was a very important prominent reformers of the progressive era.She also became the first women in america to win the nobel prize in 193. Addams came from a privileged family her father was an agricultural businessman. She was the eight of nine children, but by the time she was eight years old three of her brothers had died when they were kids and another one had died when he was sixteen. She also lost her mother when she was two years old and his father remarried when she was eight years old. At the age of four, she got really ill and contracted tuberculosis in the spine which caused her spine to be curved. Although this prevented her from doing many of the activities that children engage in like running and playing with other children, it…show more content…
The hull house provided a lot of help to the largely immigrant and poor population living in the area. With time the hull house included daycare to help the working mothers, kindergarten, music and art classes, an art gallery, a public kitchen, libraries, and other social programs. It also included ten more buildings.The years after that the hull house kept growing. Addams was always eager to learn from the people the hull house provided services for, she did everything she could to be able to help the people of all races, of all religions, of all

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