Scottish Legal System Analysis

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The Scottish Legal System can be followed back to the iron age. Scotland has its own distinct legal system although it is a part of UK. It can be divided into two parts, The Scottish Civil legal system and the Scottish Criminal legal system. The Civil System handles non-criminal matters, which are mostly private and between two persons like family law and contract law. There are three types of civil courts: - 1.The Supreme Court 2.The Sheriff Court 3.The Court of Session The Supreme Court is the highest court in the UK and permanently sits in London. It is the final court for appeal for civil cases. It has a total of twelve acting judges. The judges are appointed by the queen. The cases are mostly heard by more than three judges. The cases…show more content…
It is applicable to any civil action for payment of money, for recovery of property and to implement an obligation not exceeding 5000 pounds. It does not always involve written pleadings and evidences are not recorded. A summary cause action can be files by any person. Small Claim It is a process used for summary cause in which the value is less then or 3000.It is simple and informal. It encourages parties to appear on their own behalf rather than being represented by a lawyer. Ordinary Cause It is all claims that exceed the value of 5000 pounds. The process in complex and is more formal. They can also be raised in court of session. In ordinary cause cases the sheriff decided whether to remit cases to the court of session. In the time of dispute between parties two a contract many solutions are applicable but most cases and parties seek a legal way which involves court…show more content…
The judgment confirmed that the chief of an organization has no liability to pay for damages to an employee in regard of a breach by the organization of its statutory commitment to protect against the risk of injury. Civil Liability under statute for a breach of obligation to safeguard impose by the Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969, s.1 does not attach to the director even where he is liable of an indistinguishable criminal offense as same of the company under s.5 of the Act as an aftereffect of the break being "carried out with the assent or intrigue of, or encouraged by any disregard with respect to" the

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