Nordstrom Case Analysis

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Expansion of a company brand is a great strategic move, but is also risky. The need for Nordstrom expansion opportunity is to expand retail stores into international countries, beyond the United States border. Global expansion has become an imperative development strategy to examine since the U.S. retail market is more moderately established. Nordstrom has significantly contributed to the U.S. market and left a mark in the retail industry throughout the company’s decades of existence. The company achieved profitability, competitive advantage and overall financial success for its contribution to the North American market. The purpose of this paper is to expand on the narrative description providing adequate insight about Nordstrom expansion,…show more content…
Recent studies as shown that many companies are operating business in the Asian-Pacific region and China has offered entry to new consumers and unfamiliar markets that offers a tremendous opportunity to drive new revenue growth. Additional information is acquired on the designated expansion area and on the Chinese marketplace. Nordstrom is capable of establishing its global strategy as a result of room availability in this type of market. Regardless, it is imperative that the area difference is grasped in terms of the incentive, operational abilities and authoritative…show more content…
The government regulations are stricter in the United States than in China. Therefore, many companies stigmatize this immediately and routinely require important local assistance and guidance. For this reason, the projected start date is set for mid-2019 to 2020. Some Asia-Pacific markets along with China market offer a competitive opportunity to companies, for instance: lower lease expense, longer rent period, sponsorship on promotion costs and popular stores within the shopping malls. Nordstrom has to gather all the information necessary to analyze the benefits and risks of expanding overseas, in order to guarantee profitability, financial success and competitive advantage in the long

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