Superintendent Instructional Leadership

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Definition of Terms Superintendent Instructional Leadership Expanding on Flath’s (1989) definition (as cited in Jenkins 2009), superintendent instructional leadership is defined as those actions a superintendent takes to promote growth in student achievement and student success. Student Achievement For purpose of this study, student achievement will be measured using the statewide Criterion Reference Test (CRT) Science results for 4th, 8th and 10th grade students, as well as composite ACT scores of 11th grade students. Since all Montana students are required to take these assessments and the results are publically available, it will provide a consistent and reliable data source to measure this construct. Student Success Student success…show more content…
They are: “(1) ensuring collaborate goal setting, (2) establishing nonnegotiable goals for achievement and instruction, (3) creating board alignment with and support of district goal, (4) monitoring achievement and instruction goals, and (5) allocating resources to support the goals for achievement and instruction” (p.…show more content…
The Marzano and Waters leadership responsibilities and practices will measure superintendent leadership practices and behavior. District effectiveness will be measured using student achievement data, graduation rates, and dropout rates. The dependent variables are student achievement, graduation rates, and dropout rates. The independent variable is the superintendent’s instructional leadership practices as operationalized by Marzano and Waters research. The data from each construct will be analyzed in Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software using the Bivariate Pearson Correlation to determine if there is a relationship between the superintendent’s instructional leadership practices and district effectiveness, and if so, to determine the extent of the relationship. “Pearson’s r is typically used to describe the strength of the linear relationship between two quantitative variables” (Warner, 2013, p. 261). Since the research between these constructs is unexplored, it is important to first determine if a relationship exists before proceeding to more extensive research. The participants in this study will be currently employed superintendents serving in the Montana K-12 public school system via an online

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