Art: Empowerment In Art

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Empowerment in Art: The meaning of the word culture changed through the years, it is derived from the Latin root colere, meaning to "inhabit, cultivate, or honor" (Wikipedia, 2005). Now, it refers to the social behavior and norms found in human societies and the way of life of people at a particular time (Cambridge dictionary). Human beings contribute to culture either consciously or unconsciously, some people choose to contribute by becoming artists and producing art. Art is a concept that does not lend itself to a straightforward definition, as such the researcher starts with the etymology of the word; “Art” comes from the Latin word “ars” which means, art, skill, or craft. There is also some similarity with the Norse word…show more content…
In other words, art is created for no other reason than to exist, the phrase “art for art’s sake” sums up Kant’s definition. He argues that the purpose of art is to be purposeless. He also adds that our love of beauty is ‘disinterested’. To Kant, the role of art is to embody the most important ethical ideas, and that we always need it before us in order to benefit from “vivid illustrations and memorable symbols of good behavior and thereby keep the wayward parts of ourselves in check” (The School of Life ). Based on his ideas on art and beauty, Ayn Rand ranks Emmanuel Kant “as the father of modern…show more content…
In his Natural History, he writes, “We have no certain knowledge as to the commencement of the art of painting, nor does this enquiry fall under our consideration. The Egyptians assert that it was invented among themselves, six thousand years before it passed into Greece; a vain boast, it is very evident. As to the Greeks, some say that it was invented at Sicyon, others at Corinth; but they all agree that it originated in tracing lines round the human shadow…” he continues in chapter 15, “It was through his daughter that he made the discovery; who, being deeply in love with a young man about to depart on a long journey, traced the profile of his face, as thrown upon the wall by the light of the lamp” (Pliny the Elder, Natural History, Book XXXV, Chapter

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