Doubt And Doubt In Knowledge

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To me, doubt describes the uncertainty we have about certain things, but also the hesitation we all have to believe certain things. We will often consider things associated with doubt as very questionable and will want to find proof for their validity. Confidence on the other hand, which is the total opposite to doubt, to me is the full, unconditional trust in something and the reliability or trustworthiness of certain things. Doubt directly defines to be unsure or uncertain about something or not believing something, however it does not mean that we cannot be curious about something. Doubt often has a negative connotation, but can also have strength as doubt makes us want to gain more knowledge. Just because we doubt something does not mean…show more content…
To discuss the statement that has been put forward by the title, I will be looking at different Areas of Knowledge and how they handle things such as doubt and confidence. One of the Areas of Knowledge that I chose to look at for my analysis are Religious Knowledge Systems and the Natural Sciences. There are many examples of religious groups who base their beliefs solely on written manuscripts written by many different people, but often also by self-proclaimed leaders who write down rules and statements, which their followers have to obey and live by. Their whole lives are based around- and dictated by these writings. An example of this, are Jehovah’s witnesses, a religious movement based on Christian beliefs. Its members fundamentally believe what has been written down in the Bible and simply ignore “mere human speculations or religious creeds." (BBC) They believe that the Bible is an exact representation of God’s words to his people and consider the historically described events as completely…show more content…
There are simply too many possible answers. It can be said, however, that doubt is the incentive for more knowing. There is, however, “good” doubt and “bad” doubt. Questioning something that arises from a positive set of mind, which can lead to a deeper understanding of the truths. Bad doubt on the other hand, however, is questioning that arises through a negative spirit. This means, that the believers focus solely on problems and issues and always expect that the whole undertaking will fail. Advocates of blind faith, such as religious leaders will have the tendency to depict all doubts as bad and evil. They point to the Bible and the story of a doubting Thomas who had the daringness to request proof, that Jesus became alive once again. They make it so that doubt appears to be backstabbing, destructive and potentially very negative. They knot all doubt into a similar classification. However, while we have to be confident in some areas of our lives, as otherwise it is not possible for us to move forward, doubt is refreshing and opens new ways of
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