Hatshepsut Research Paper

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INTRO Throughout the centuries, Egyptian culture has remained one of history’s most coveted and mysterious civilizations. Deeply rooted in tradition, reverence for the gods, and social order, Egypt has long been a civilization studied for it’s unique power structure and organization. Despite living in a male-dominated society, Queen Hatshepsut broke the gender barriers and ruled egypt for over two decades. She strengthened trade, promoted upkeep of infrastructure and erected temples and monuments still standing today. She was the longest reigning female pharaoh in Egypt, reigning during the 14th century BCE. BIRTH/EARLY LIFE Hatshepsut was born around 1508 BCE, to father Thutmose I and mother Ahmose. She was the only full descendent from both of her parents, above ever her male half-brother and male nephew, making her the only fully royal-blooded heir to the throne. Her career, however, did not begin when she became pharaoh. Long before her reign as queen, she served as regent to her nephew Thutmose III, who was then thought to be the heir to the throne. In many ancient civilizations, a regent was a necessary role in the power structure of…show more content…
She was a brilliant politician, knowing how to invoke support from powerful members of the nobility at the time. Her appearance was a crucial aspect of her political success. In the ancient egyptian culture, women were seen as weaker and subordinate to men, so to prove her strength and stability as a ruler, Hatshepsut often wore masculine garb such as the shendyt kilt, the nemes headdress, and even a false beard. In many paintings of her, she was depicted as a man. It was not so much so that she wanted to BECOME a man, it was more so that she knew her gender was an obstacle for her in terms of ruling a successful kingdom, so she did what she could to remove that obstacle and make her subjects see her for her wisdom and strength as a ruler, not her

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