Hatshepsut Research Paper

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Seated statue of Hatsepsut presents majestic queen, seated on the throne. Her name “Hatsepsut” means “the first of the notable women”. She was a daughter of pharaoh Thutmos the first, who was successful conqueror, administrator and builder of new obelisks in the heart of Karnak temple of Amun in Thebes national sanctuaries of Egypt at that time. Her mother Queen Ahmes was a "great wife of the royal". Two sons of Thutmose I and his eldest daughter Nefrubiti died quite young, remaining Hatshepsut, the younger sister, the only guarantee of the legitimacy of the Board who will become her husband. In this marriage Hatshepsut had not a son. Her husband Tuthmosis II wanted to appoint his successor son, but when the young Tuthmosis III came to the throne, Hatshepsut became regent and immediately assumes the position…show more content…
Sculptors sometimes specially task was to picture the queen's face was like her stepson and receiver Thutmose III. Say the power of women – Pharaoh. Other statue, Marble statue of a wounded Amazon, is one of the statue, depicting wounded Amazons. In Greek art the Amazons a mythical race of warrior women from Asia Minor, were often depicted battling heroes like Herakles, Achilles, and Theseus. This statue represents a refugee from battle who has lost her weapons and bleeds from a wound under her right breast. The art of the New Kingdom, when was Seated Statue of Hatshepsut made, differs considerable development of monumental sculpture, the purpose of which is now often goes beyond the scope of the funeral cult. In the New Kingdom Theban sculpture features appear not peculiar hitherto not only official, but also secular art. Individuality distinguishes portraits of Hatshepsut. Queen seats on the throne, her pose is symmetrical and do not express any

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