Asda Organizational Change

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Management of change Introduction. In this report my research will show of organizational change in Asda, from humble beginnings this supermarket chain grew and expanded through change management, innovative plans, and desire to succeed. In support of my evidence I will be showing models of change used in this organization. Company background. ASDA limited was formed in 1965 by two significant companies, which were associated diaries and the Asquith brother’s supermarket chain; both companies were extremely well established in the supermarket supply and demand area. When these companies merged this brought a new change, these companies could double output and expand even further into this market. In 1970…show more content…
The environment has also helped ASDA change for the better. The new technology of this era was here, the internet allowed them to boost marketing activities; it brought new capabilities to the supermarkets with this advancement in technology changing the environment of the super market as well as many other companies. This allowed a new distribution platform. The internet may have been seen as a research tool, now it is one of the most powerful sales tools. Another structural change made by management of ASDA was to begin rolling out caps on wages, this was unpopular change for the employees, and this along with the removal of the hierarchy in the organization would start to pave a more positive path for ASDA. This structural change enabled much better performance and work ethic from the entire company. There was a significant increase in the shareholder value after these changes it also helped develop a good work ethic and culture that management strived to implement. Research suggests that a strong culture in an organization makes sure there is a strong organization. Culture is built up over years of dominant groups in an…show more content…
I have applied this theory to explain the structure and planning ASDA has been making since their takeover in 1999. It can be seen that managers in ASDA have had to change the culture of the employees to make the store run more efficient and effective. These tough decisions have to be made before they can start implementing any type of change. I also have looked at Lewins behavioral theories of leadership, when I applied this theory to ASDA it showed me that there plan was to incorporate the democratic theory of leadership this encouraged more employees to be part of the team and set goals for there selves, managers always wanting feed back from employees about effectiveness and goals. I also have looked over and applied Lewin three models of change to my research into ASDA limited. Lewin three model of change is simplistic, these three steps must be implemented correctly by the manager, the planning and strategy needs to be successful for any change to work out correctly. I have evaluated many theories of change management, there are many different factors needed to be brought inline to implement change successfully. Human resource and culture are the success and failure of most organizations. Organizations need to be able to rely on their employees to work efficiently and effectively. There are many different techniques and theories that managers use to

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