Hsbc Bank Case Study

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POLICY OF PRE EMPLOYMENT CHECK In order to create a safe and secure work place every company follows some methods. The methods followed by the HSBC Bank are: • Verification of Identity • Confirmation of right to work in the country • Criminal record • Confirmation of Employment history • Confirmation of Educational qualifications HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT MODELS There are models of HRM – Hard Model and Soft Model HSBC implements both models of HRM and varies with situation. Hard Model: • It is a method of extracting the maximum potentials from the employee for the benefit of the company. • Employees are considered as a tool of the organization to achieve its goals. • HSBC won’t use this model frequently. Soft Model: • Soft model gives foremost…show more content…
Planning and designing training. Implementing it and finally evaluating it. Training and development is to be regarded as the strategically activity the purpose of training and development includes. To improve the present and future wellbeing of the organization. What opportunities are afforded by the environment, what are the strength and weakness of the organization, analysis of current skill levels available within and external to the organization. Thus we can give the employee training in order to increase the capability and ability of the employee and thus their by we can improve the overall change in the organ insertion and their by develops the employee to come up with new ideas which helps in promoting the company to a higher…show more content…
Human resource department can prepare a chart indicating the time when the work should be finished and the amount of manpower required for the task .finding out who is the right person for the task will increase the productivity of the organization. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT: An employee's performance can be affected by various reasons such as personal and physical issues. So rejuvenating them by giving development programmes can increase their efficiency. Frequent training programmes should be conducted for the employees to make their work interesting or easy to them. HSBC bank have frequent development programmes to improve the performance of the employees rather than terminating them on their beginning stage due to poor performance. As the company relies on soft model of harm, it tries to develop the skills of current employees to deliver a better service to their clients. RECRUITING LONG TERM

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