Growth Mindset Research Paper

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There are many variables that contribute to someone's success and there are others that we aren't fully aware of. To find out why someone is successful is difficult because there are so many things people do in life that make them successful. There is never just one thing that contributed to someone's success, but rather a combination of many. Being gritty and having a growth mindset are those variables that contribute to success, but what is grit and what is having a growth mindset? A person with a growth mindset might not be good in a class subject, but that person tries hard to understand it. A person with grit will have long goals and will work hard and achieve those goals. But how does grit and a growth mindset really help someone become successful. Having a growth mindset and grit helps people reach success by having the dedication to finish goals, not just letting their talent be a contributor to success and being able to change mentally to become better. The dedication to finish goals shows how grit can make someone become successful in the future. People often make goals for themselves but more often than not, they end up not reaching their goals. This is because people give up so easily on goals and people who are gritty tend to want to reach their goals at any cost. In the article " The…show more content…
People reach success with Grit and a Growth Mindset by having dedication to finish goals, not just letting their talent be a contributor to success and being able to change mentally to become better. To be successful someone has to have both grit and a growth mindset and there are many studies that have shown this to be true. Both Grit and a Growth mindset work together to help someone be successful. These were some way that these two variable contribute to the success of someone. There are many more ways grit and a growth mindset contribute to success, but these were the main

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