Growing Up In Cambodia

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As a child growing up in Cambodia I have seen a lot of things that would be considered strange or illogical to an outsider’s perspective. A lot of the time, I feel that it is hard to take a certain stance or positioning regarding social norms of what is and is not acceptable. Coming from an extremely conservative and traditional Khmer family, where weeklong engagement parties, weddings and funerals alike are normal part of life. A lot of the time I feel I must take a step back and ask myself is this the life I want, is this really who I am? I have always questioned if I fit into the Khmer identity and after my month studying in the EdUSA program hosted in Boulder Colorado, getting a taste of the classic American culture and lifestyle, I can confidently say that my assumptions have always been correct. Indeed, the culture of the Khmer people clashes with my true self.…show more content…
From a third world country like Cambodia, life can seem grim at times and looking around you can feel the spirit and hopes of the Khmer people are very low. Whether looking at Cambodia from a social, political or economic standpoint, the future does not seem so bright. While in Boulder partaking in recreational activities such as baseball and hiking, I could feel the positivity of the people and saw the emphasis to not only help others but also to care for the planet as we only have one to share between us

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