Group Observation Paper

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Roles are a very important part in a group. There are many roles when groups are together like task roles. Task roles are roles that have to do with like giving information, or writing it down. Maintenance roles are more of is the group happy. The dysfunctional role is the role that disrupts the whole entire process. These are some of the roles the group I observed displayed. Jordan, I feel played many roles in this program. He played the role of information giver. At the very beginning, he read the paper. Then he and Larson made the decision to have everyone have a chance to read all the scholarship applicants. He played the role of orienteer, the person that keeps everything on track and going. At one point he when the group was getting really rowdy, and he calmed them all down and asked "ok now what is everyone's opinion" and then he went to every member of his group and specifically got their opinion. He was also a harmonizer. After he would go around the group he would ask "now is everyone happy with the decision" and if they were not they would tell them or they would keep quiet. He was an…show more content…
But when I did she didn't like to agree with the rest of the group. A lot of times she was a group–observer most the time she was quiet and mostly on occasions gave a little input when she did not agree with what was being said in the group. When Courtney said something most the time she was a blocker. She did not like to agree with the group. I do not think that she meant to be a blocker or even if she was realizing she was being one she was just voicing her opinion on very little occasions, and most of time that did not go with the rest of the group or follow the group's guidelines. She was also a playgirl. This meant she didn't care too much about the group. Most the time when she was in the circle she looked really bored, and like she would rather be anywhere else. I also found it odd that she kept checking at her

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