Mystery Cell Sap Lab Report

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Caitlyn Lawrence Exercise One: Goal: To determine what types of factors that affect Organic Compounds to diffuse or rates of osmosis through a Model Cell Membrane of Dialysis Tubing (Heitz 24). Procedure: 1. I will create a “model organism”. I will obtain one of the “cell saps” and put it into dialysis tubing. Then I will fill a 1000 mL beaker up halfway (500mL) and put the “model organism” into the beaker (Heitz 24). I will describe the properties of the “cell sap” and the “model organism” by drawing them and writing down physical descriptions and properties. 2. To determine the chemical structure of the mystery cell sap, I will perform tests to see if it reacts. I will make a table that shows the test I completed and the results of the test to show what kind of substance the cell sap is. 3.…show more content…
With each of the tests, I will make qualitative and quantitative measurements. Some tests are qualitative (Iodine Test/Fat and Oil Test) while others can be both qualitative and quantitative (Benedict’s Test for Reducing Sugars/Biuret’s test for protein). With each of these tests I will make observations every ten minutes for at least an hour and a half. 4. To determine if your mystery cell sap is a starch, or polysaccharide, you can perform the “Iodine Test”. a. By adding droplets of weak iodine solution to the dialysis tubing. If the color changes to dark blue, it means that the cell sap is a starch. (Heitz 27). Add observations to your table. 5. To decide whether or not your material contains “fat and oil”, place the cell sap on “unglazed paper”. If a spot results from this test, this means that the substance contains fats and oils (Heitz 24). I will make observations and record them on my data

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