Gender Equality Programming

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Gender Equality Programming: a case study of Dadaab. The IASC Gender Handbook for Humanitarian Action and gender mainstreaming reflect a general agreement among humanitarian actors that all gender perspectives and experiences need to be accounted for and integrated in humanitarian activities. However, it is unclear if substantial progress in improving gender equality in humanitarian responses has been achieved through gender mainstreaming directives and activities. To explore this question, this paper begins by providing an overview of Gender Equality Programming. Using Dadaab as a case study, the paper then analyses the impact Gender Equality Programming has had on humanitarian activities, programming, and outcomes. Overview of Gender Equality…show more content…
Initially intended to house 190,000 refugees, Dadaab’s population density represents a programming challenge for humanitarian organizations as resources available for assistance are limited and insufficient and must be “shared” with unregistered refugees that live on the outskirts of the camps. Women and girls make up about half of Dadaab’s population. and are responsible for managing the household, small-scale trading, and agricultural activities. Men on the other hand are responsible for providing for the family. Within the context of displacement and refugeehood, women have become the primary providers and controllers of income. This has led to a higher sense of self-esteem and standing for women in their communities and households as well as negative reactions from their male counterparts to these…show more content…
However, despite the intense and comprehensive programming, many women and girls are at risk of GBV. The biggest GBV risk in Ifo 2, a sector within Dadaab is rape. The risk of rape is so considerable in Ifo 2 that women will completely avoid going out at night or sleep together in Mosques (considered safe spaces) to avoid being rape. The GBV unit implemented in response to the rampant GBV issues has been helpful and successful because women felt comfortable going to the unit who subsequently reported the case to the police. Targeted action addresses the need of individuals or groups within the affected population in an informed manner based on the findings of the contextual gender analysis. Targeted action should level the playing field so that women can equally benefit from humanitarian interventions and activities. Targeted actions should not stigmatize or isolate women and girls, but rather compensate for the consequences of gender-based inequality women generally face. Targeted action should empower women, build women’s capacity to enjoy their human rights and overall promote gender equality. Examples of targeted action include actions like human rights-based approaches to programming and sexual exploitation and abuse

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