Funeral Director Research Paper

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The educational requirements for a funeral director/embalmer are slightly different from state to state. In the state of Indiana it is required that one must attend and possess a diploma from a four year high school. After high school, it is required that you attend on year of an accredited college, plus one year of mortuary school. In mortuary school, you will learn not only the practical side of the funeral industry, but the history of embalming and the funeral service. All of this is followed by a one year internship, in which you will experience the practical side of the funeral industry. The benefits of being a funeral director are numerous, with the idea of working with death all day, some may ask “How can you be happy with your job,”…show more content…
The national average for a funeral director is around $50,000-$65,000. The large margin is as a result of; cost of living, size of funeral home, and task you are responsible for performing. At larger funeral homes, your pay rate will vary based on your position in the funeral home. Someone who just embalms from nine to five, will not make as much as the funeral director. Though it may seem that the embalmer is doing more work, the funeral director is actually a promotion from an embalmer. At a smaller funeral home you have no specific job, everyone does everything, whether that is embalming, meeting with the family, or cleaning the…show more content…
At a local funeral home, it is typically the owners as well as a few employees out doing the “grunt” work. No one is afraid to head out and was the cars, water the flowers, sweep the floor, or take out the trash. All of the staff is familiar with the day to day operations of the funeral home, as well as the tedious amounts of paper work that can go with a funeral. In a small town Funeral home, neither I as an intern, nor Kathy, Beth, Wilson, or Darla as my mentors, have a set task (aside from taking out the trash on Wednesday) to complete for that day or

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