Functions Of Forensic Science

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Forensic science is a science that is used to help solve crimes and help give law enforcement an advantage in finding evidence to lead to the correct person who was responsible of the crime. It also helps create the scene for people to know what went on at the crime scenes. Locard's Exchange Principle can be considered one of the the basic concepts in Forensic Science because it reveals the main aspect of how forensic science work which is “every contact leaves it trace”. The significances of this is that everything at the crime since can either give links to the victim or give clues to the suspect, meanwhile it also shows how the victims can be connected to the suspect. This is also essentially the building block of Forensic Sciences because…show more content…
By doing so, it allows forensic scientist to gather physical evidences to help them and other law informants to understand exactly who, what, when, how, and maybe even why a certain crime was committed. Another function of a forensic scientist is to actually analyze and maybe even experiment on physical evidences, to determine exactly what physical evidences something is or maybe pieces together significant information. For instances, a forensic scientist may find a strand of hair but because they analyze it in the laboratory through technology and such, they can figure out that this strand was physically pull out of the victims scalp through the attachment of the little bulb attach to the end of the strap which contains nuclear DNA. Lastly, another function of an forensic scientist is testifying in court with the evidences they have gather. This is important because this can give the judges and jury a better visualization and even understanding of the crime through physical scientific…show more content…
Photos at the crime scene must be taken through different angles and distances because this can help forensic scientist to perhaps discover somethout unusual through the different pictures of the same thing. The next method of recording at a crime scene is sketching. Sketching is consist of rough and finished sketching. Lastly, Notes is recorded at the crime scene and usually these notes are very detailed. The reason for that is because some cases of crime may not be solve or even brought up until months or even years later. Therefore, the actual crime scene might not even be there anymore and forensic scientist must relied on the notes taken previously at the crime

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