Essay On Salmonella

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INRODUCTION Salmonellosis is a serious intestinal infection caused by Salmonella, which is rod-shaped Gram-negative bacteria. The bacteria mainly infects humans and domestic animals. It is an important foodborne pathogen which overburden economy of both developed and underdeveloped countries through the costs associated with diagnosis, prevention, control and treatment. Salmonella is predominantly present in eggs, dairy and poultry, it can also be transmitted through fruits and vegetables which includes mangoes, apples, tomato, celery, cantaloupe and lettuce. Mainly gastroenteritis is caused to healthy adults by Salmonella Typhimurium and Enteritidis. This bacteria could transmit through uncooked food products; Salmonella is predominantly present is slaughterhouses where it can contaminate organs of food animals. CLASSIFICATION AND NOMENCLATURE Discovery and isolation of Salmonella was first conducted by Theobald Smith in 1855 from the intestines of pigs that were infected by swine fever. An American Pathologist, Dr Daniel Elmer Salmon named this bacteria and he also worked with Smith. Salmonella can be classified into two species this…show more content…
Small and large intestines discharge fluid and electrolytes, resulting in diarrhea. The bacteria may spread and cause systemic infection after passing from the basal side of the epithelial cells into the lamina propria. This unusual spread of organism gives rise to enteric fever. The activation of adenylate cyclase occurs leading to higher levels of cyclic AMP secretion. Adenylate cyclase stimulates the production of prostaglandins (activates inflammatory reaction) or other elements of inflammatory response. Furthermore, intestinal secretion is also possible due to other enterotoxin-like substances produced from some strains of Salmonella. In pathogenesis of Salmonella the basic principle of these toxins is

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