Functional View Of Operations Management

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Introduction All organisations are subject upon effective operations to be successful, regardless of whether they a profit-making or non-profit-making, manufacturing or service, private or public, multinational or small to medium-sized enterprise (SME). Operations management is concerned with how best to plan, control and manage an organisation’s operational processes, resources, systems, people and technology to accomplish its business goals. This TMA considers the basic nature of operations management. This is followed by an examination of the link to overall organisation strategy, the operational choices which must be considered within an operations strategy, and the usefulness of process view and functional view in managing business operations.…show more content…
Technology plays an important role in operations. Marketing, finance, IT and other departments have internal customers for their outputs, as well as being concerned with satisfying external customer requirements. When studying operations, it is helpful to adopt the different views of operations. Here will take the functional view as the classic school of business and the innovated process view. The functional view divides the operations as activities belongs to different sections or units called departments each take responsibility of specific function in the organization, mostly the people in this units don’t understand the main objectives of others. The functional view ends up in having isolated silos, where each functional unit is expert in its own field only. No cross-functional interactions are present. Problems with this approach lie in the discontinuities that tend to occur at the interfaces between functions. The tendency is for each function to act in relative isolation from the…show more content…
However, the most sustainable benefits are those built on an organization's ability to learn: but companies often can copy a competitor's equipment and operating policies will delay. Finally, companies must avoid limiting their improvement actions on finding and coping good models. Instead, they should find their own way, continually asking themselves: "How would a competitor that overcome those new capabilities and understood our own company's weaknesses influencing us?" and "If we were subjected to such attack, how can we respond?" In addition, they should search for fast-growing competitors and study to learn about the innovative operational methods they have developed. If you're successful and growing, even though small, you probably are doing something different than the "big guys." A company's size tells little about the quality of its ideas or its potential to become a competitive juggernaut in

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