A firm’s capital structure is the combine of its’ financial resources obtainable for carrying on the business and is a major determinant on how the business operates.,. While debt holders apply minor control over the company, and do not determine how the business is run, they earn a fixed rate of return and are protected by contractual obligation. As financial capital is an undetermined but critical resource for all firms, suppliers of the finance are able to apply control over firms. the two
5.5 Capital Structure Analysis (pg-53) A firm’s capital structure primarily comprises of two components, the Debt and the equity. Debt: A sum of money that is owed or due. Whatever a company has on its own, money, goods, services & other liabilities of the company which are due all comes in this heading Debts. Equity: The value of Share issued by a company. It is commonly referred as the ordinary share, partial ownership, maximum entrepreneurial risk associated with the company. These shareholders
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION The main objective of this study is to investigate the impact of capital structure and other variable that influence the performance of Government Linked Companies which are listed on Bursa Malaysia. This chapter intends to introduce the background of study, problem statement, objectives of the research, research question, hypothesis, significance of study, scope of study and limitation of the study. 1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY The performance of the company is measured by its
art of recording, classifying, summarizing and interpretation of result. And Human Resource basic function is to provide right man for right job. Human Resource Accounting is the process of identifying and measuring data related to human resource for the development and enhancement of economic values of the interested parties associated with corresponding organization. It is a powerful managerial tool for internal human resource management
It is clear from both theoretical and empirical literature that social capital is a context specific notion and an outcome of a particular community and locality. And so, studies conducted so far and to be conducted in the future in this area could have their own contribution in enriching the theoretical, methodological, and empirical literature of the subject matter. As indicated above, the theme of social capital has got diminutive attention in the policy framework and strategy of national and
2010 2011 2012 2013 Total Form 4 Enrolment 326815 333638 404585 368600 Form 4 Aged 17 Years 58740 69589 102977 103716 Population Age 17 Years 905874 932144 959177 868619 Gross Completion Rate 36.1 35.8 42.2 42.4 Net Completion Rate 6.5 7.5 10.7 11.9 Source: BEST, 2013 Different studies including that of Al-Samarai and Peasgood (1998), Suryadarma and Suryahadi (2010), Simkin (2001) shows relationship between household characteristics and educational attainment. Household refers to people who
When employees feel they are improving, then it is easier to retain them (ibid). According to Fitz–enz (2000), only asset that can be developed is human capital. It is worth to mention that, USA alone invests over 62 $ billion annually on employee development. The magnitude of this expense emphasizes how senior managers must effectively plan and utilize training and development practices to ensure that
relationship between agency and structure is the result of the interplay between capital, habitus and relative location in the social field. This theory implies that human’s are born as blank slates and learn through developing habitus. Bourdieu’s theory can be applied to explain the problem of health inequalities in the contemporary world. The key ideas of Bourdieu’s theory are largely relevant to student life at Swinburne
of the human, social, and financial capital exist since 1960. The emergence of the concept of the social capital could be seen as a logical development of the concept of the financial capital. Francis Fukuyama mentioned that it is impossible to avoid any social interaction in the financial capital. (Trust p.19) And that is probably the reason why at the end of the 20th the theory of the social capital became one of the most popular in social and economic sciences. The term "social capital" has gained
TERMS Human Capabilities Human capability refers to an individual’s capability of achieving a kind of life they consider valuable such as good health, being in loving safe environments and relationships (Sen, 1997). Human Capital Human capital can be defined as knowledge and skills that can be used to create economic value of individuals or their community, which also assists in creating a better social life for the population as large. For example education is an investment in human capital that