Characteristics Of Business Information System

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BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEM INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT TYPE OF INFORMATION SYSTEM Course Name / code Business Information System/ TTS3123 Name Ahmad Asyraf bin Iskandar Shah Lecturer Name Sir Khairul Azhar Date 27/4/2015 CONTENTS No. Topic Page 1.0 Introduction 2 2.0 Characteristic 3 3.0 Functions 4-5 4.0 4.1 4.2 Example CMS EPF Calculation 6 7 8 5.0 Conclusion 9 6.0 References 10 1.0 INTRODUCTION In Malaysia, different kinds of information systems are developed for different purposes, depending on the need of the business. For example, Transaction Process Systems (TPS) function in operational level to process large amount of data for routine business transactions of the organization. Higher-level systems include Management…show more content…
These characteristics are generic in nature and remain more or less the same even when the technology around such management information system changes. This are some characteristic of management information system that I get from the learning of Management information system.  Report with fixed and standard formation. For a report that management information system (MIS) produce for example scheduled report for inventory control, they may contain the same type of information placed in the same location on the reports. In addition, the content on the report is fixed and non-editable.  Produce hard-copy and soft-copy report Basically management information report will produce in soft and hard copy. This is because for soft copy, the manager of the company will preview the report that allow the manager make decision. For the hard copy, the manager can printout the report for other activities in company or organisation.  Integrated It means a comprehensive or complete view of all the sub systems in the organization of a company. Development of information must be integrated so that all the operational and functional information sub systems should be worked together as a single entity. This integration is necessary because it leads to retrieval of more meaningful and useful…show more content…
Because management information system is to help an organisation to achieve goals and enables managers to compare result to established company goals and identify problems area and also opportunities for improvement. Moreover, it’s also can give the organisation a competitive advantage. Thus this allows an organization ahead of other competitors. MIS facilitate manager and decision maker because it’s provide routine information. Management information systems (MIS) make it possible for organizations to get the right information to the right people at the right time by enhancing the interaction between the organization’s people, the data collected in its various IT systems, the procedures, software and device its use. It brings together the raw data collected by the various business areas of the organization for example transaction processing system (TPS) which useful for specific functions such as accounting, it’s does not provide by itself. The information that can be used to make decisions. As organizations grow, MIS allows information to move between functional areas and departments instantly, reducing the need for face-to-face communications among employees, thus increasing the responsiveness of the organization. Finally, management system information systems are accurate and provide up-to-date and correct information based on factual data. Thus, for important
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