Cisco Systems Case Study

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1. Refer to the Real World Case on Cisco Systems in the chapter. How much of the potential success of their technology do you believe will rest on their ability to imitate life-like, in-person meetings, and how much on organizations reinventing the way they operate? Cisco's technology sounds promising as it brings people together regardless of geographical location through a virtual environment. While most companies like Cisco gear towards a life-like, in-person meetings to make it more "real" and make interaction more "human", its success will rely heavily on the demands of the customers their targeting. Cisco's technology was built out of their own needs, and will be offered as an on-demand managed service, but its market adoption will…show more content…
By empowering employees through this self-service system, HR department can save significant time by eliminating unnecessary workflow[1] and focus on other tasks such as recruitment, employees' benefits, and training and development. Meanwhile, employees can get real time access on important information whenever they need them. They can be updated of the benefits so they can use them for motivation, review their salary for inaccuracies and correction, and view and file reports remotely for accuracy. In addition to these functions, it is also essential that employees can have access to time keeping so they can file their leaves remotely and view their work schedule to manage their time and attendance efficiently. They also need access to training modules and career management options so they can help themselves learn and improve, and get a sense of what to do to advance their career. The bottomline is that the HR system should provide vital information the employees need without making it too complex for them to…show more content…
How could sales force automation affect salesperson productivity, marketing management, and competitive advantage? Sales force automation increases the productivity of the salesperson by eliminating much of their tedious, repetitive behind-the-scenes work, allowing them to focus on their primary objective of selling the company's products and services. SFA allows salesperson to efficiently and quickly schedule sales appointments, communicate to customers, track sales activities, and update sales opportunities. Further, SFA allows them to quickly generate estimates and turn them into proposal and quotes, and immediately access order information to improve customer experience by providing quality service[1]. On the marketing management side, SFA makes it possible to update information and pass it to the sales team quickly. This fast delivery of information and better support helps salesperson to respond better to customers, which translates to an increase in revenues. With the availability of client information, marketing can create an effective target marketing activities. They can also use the information to conduct market research and align the product roadmap based on this

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