Freud's Theory Of Behaviorism

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Freud also discovered that our adult personalities are defined by five psychosexual experiences that we experience as children. These stages are known as oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital. Freud believed that if a child is exposed to over gratification in any of these stages, they will grow to have problems in adulthood which can lead to mental illness. In contrast, Behaviourism as a discipline looks into environmental factors surrounding a person and disregards any actions which may be deemed as hereditary and also uses Conditioning as its major principle. Another main psychologist who succeeded in developing Behaviourism was Skinner (1904 – 1990). Skinner created the theory of Operant Conditioning as he believed that all behaviour…show more content…
According to behaviourism, fathers treat children differently depending on which sex the child is often being "more instrumental and achievement-orientated" with their sons and paying them more attention (Gross,2005). Children are usually reinforced for different things, girls get rewarded for dependence, emotional expression and empathy, where as boys will be rewarded for independence, self reliance and emotional control. This also aids to forming our gender role at an early age. B F Skinner used a puzzle box, called a skinner box to prove the theory of reinforcement scientifically he place a rat inside a small box with a lever that when pressed the rat would be rewarded with a food pellet, therefore proving that operant conditioning can be achieved with small…show more content…
Freud and Psychoanalysis say that we are controlled by nature with a high nurture influence where as behaviourist only believe that we are controlled by the environment around us, nature. Freud’s case studies on the five middle class "mad" women included little or no scientific evidence to support his theory; the behaviourist theory however is based on scientific experimentation and has plenty of actual evidence to be founded upon. Freud looked into the working of the mind to help develop psychoanalysis trying to see how the mind affected the body, behaviourist would not take into consideration the mind and how it works as it could not be physically observed or scientifically

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