Meteor Case Study Analysis

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To analysis meteors fundamental strategy upon entering the telecommunications industry in 2001, as well as all the changing market factors, which shaped meteors consequential strategy, I will apply the “five elements of strategy”. Donald C.Hambrick and James W.Fredrickson devised this framework. A strategy is a concept of how a firm will achieve its objectives – how it will compete against its rivals. A strategy is consists of a set of choices, these choices depict to the five elements managers must consider when making a decision. The five elements of strategy are also known as the strategy diamond. A good strategy examines the five elements in hope to arrive at specific answers to five questions: 1. Arenas – where will the business be active?…show more content…
To over come these capital challenges meteor made the tactical roaming agreement with o2. This provided its customers with o2 coverage at no extra cost, which then allowed meteor to build up its network while gaining a consumer base. Meteor ensures that its company strategy and brand values are reflected in the workplace and employees. Meteor believed that a happy employee would pass on their content making happy customers. This belief is also evident in many other industries e.g. the food industry. Meteor was committed to ensure that they had a fair, open environment in the workplace. The network set up staff recognition awards programme called the “meteorites” which awards employees who show indicative and are committed to the company. Their efforts to provide a healthy working environment contributes to their success in being one of the 50 best companies to work for in…show more content…
This in turn would generate huge profits quickly, which would allow them to expand even further. They were confident that profits would exceed costs and were right. Meteor still holds the same values as they did when they first launched, providing good quality affordable mobiles. Meteor has had to face little changes due to their excellent strategies. Meteor are now the second most profitable mobile network in Europe with revenues of €1.96 billion in 2008. (Meteor case

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