Fresh 20 Case Study

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Introduction In a perfect world, meal would always be pre-planned, pre-prepped, cooking and eating that it would cure the day's stress, not cause it. There is a busy lifestyle for people who are working in Hong Kong. After a long day at work, they are tired to spend time purchasing and cooking. However, homemade cooking is more health and save money. Therefore, we choose The Fresh 20 which provide the Meal Planning Service to enter into a new Hong Kong market. Q1 Company Background The Fresh 20 is a company which provided the online service regarding meals. The company creates meal plans for five recipes with 20 seasonal ingredients in order to let customers to take 20 ingredients and cook in 20 minutes with a healthy meal. The…show more content…
Moreover, Customers do not consider to about their meals or do not have time to prepare for cooking when they choose The Fresh 20 service. Besides, The Fresh 20 has hired professional chefs and workers expertise in cooking to provide services to help customers to finish what they do not want to do, such as planning the meals, choosing fresh ingredients and order delivery. Q2. Analyze the services provided by the firm in terms of its underlying process and its core and supplementary elements. Categories of service The Fresh 20 tangible processing company which provide direct services at physical possessions. The service provides by The Fresh 20 is tangible while customers can see what has the company did for them when it delivers the meal plans and ingredients directly to them. Since the company service is to help customers do what they do not want to do, so it is a possession for cooking. Flower of service There are 5 elements of the Flower of service to be analysis the core product of service of Hello Fresh such as order taking, information, consultation, payment and hospitality. Order…show more content…
There is also a function that new customers who is interested in their meal plans but wants to see the sample first can send their simple personal information through the corner “ Free Sample Meal Plan“ to get a free meal plan to get more information. Furthermore, there is a schedule provided for each member account in order to give the information of delivery. Customers can know how their orders situation are and follow up if it has some enquires. Receipts will also be given when the recipes and ingredients have delivered to consumers. Besides, there is a blog writing about meal plans and healthy ideas of The Fresh 20. Customers can get healthier lifestyle information through the blog which is educational. Consultation There are two ways for customers to do the consultation which are the FAQ section or direct contact. The FAQ section is provided on the website which has already prepared some hot questions regarding different categories of consumers’ needs, such as questions about the delivery, order plans, number of meals per order etc. Besides, customers can direct contact the Customer Service through email or to speak to

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