Freedom Writers Response

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Freedom Writers Response Taya Nicholas An important idea in the movie Freedom Writers directed by Richard La Greaves is that respect is earned , not inherited. Being focused on low educated kids at Wilson High, Greaves shows the respect and how it changes through a various usages of camera and sound techniques, some examples being closeup, long shot, high angle shot and panning shot, You cannot buy respect, only earn it. Respect is taking into consideration the views and desires of others, and including it into your decisions although it can also mean showing regard and appreciation for the worth of someone or something. Respect in Wilson High is a rare and far away, almost as rare as a completed essay, the kids are rebellious and would not…show more content…
All the previous teachers gave the students a low expectation and lowered the standard dramatically. Thus the students immediately hated Mrs Gruwell and showered her with their disrespect. The director showed this through various techniques namely camera but also sound. It started with a pov shot from Mrs Gruwell, to show the surroundings in more detail, this was very important as it let you feel how she did while the students were walking in, the director also incorporated a high angle shot into the P.O.V shot to make the kids look insignificant and not worth anyones time. The effect of this was very overlooked since it didn’t last too long but the combined camera techniques showed how the kids were viewed as- rough, dirty, unrespected, bad students. She tried to greet them but all she got back was a squeaking floor and the harsh truth of being ignored. Followed by a low angle shot directed at their shuffling feet and then cutting to a close up of them doing their nails, eating and generally doing what they want, this quick cutting of shots showed perfectly how, no one wanted to be there and presented their low level of respect. The director quickly cut to a close up of Mrs Gruwell. The effect of this just topped everything else of as it showed her reaction to everything that happened- her face is in a worrisome state…show more content…
The director really tried hard to show the evolution, and it has payed off as this scene is a direct manifestation of development. As the students seemed more like friends than rivals they fully respected each other, shown by the leaning, supporting, laughter and encouragement, the students placement also ties into Mise en scène which was shown by the clean, colorful and brighter room, along with little things such as fresh flowers sitting at the window still, an arranged cupboard, a clean white board and also obviously, no graffiti or tagging, all of these demonstrate that the students began to respect the classroom which is really important as it is their climate for where learning takes place. The effects of the Mise en scène didn’t stop there, it also showed the student’s boost in self respect as they stated their goals: graduation, staying at school etc. This scene positions the audience to understand the importance of respect. The improvement in the scene makes it a perfect development portal by linking the start to the
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