Maya Angelou Accomplishments

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“How did you escape it all: the poverty, the rape at an early age, a broken home, growing up black in the South?” This is a question Maya Angelou is incredibly familiar with, and her response: “My natural response is to say, ‘How the hell do you know I did escape? You don’t know what demons I wrestle with’” (Weller 14). These words of wisdom sing with Angelou’s determined, humorous personality. Not only did Maya have a brilliant personality, she is remembered as a “public intellectual.” She may not have held a terminal degree, but Angelou attained over 50 honorary doctorates along with several other accomplishments (Angelou Family). Some of her successes include numerous published books, scholarly awards, and positions of authority. Furthermore,…show more content…
She has relieved suffering and fought for equality for African-Americans. Angelou grew up experiencing black oppression which compelled her to take part in the civil rights movement with Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X, close friends to Maya. Angelou began her battle for civil rights when she joined the Harlem Writers Guild. The group was informed on contemporary issues, the most popular of which was African-American civil rights. After attending a rally, directed by Martin Luther King, Jr., Angelou organized “Cabaret for Freedom”, raising money for King’s Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) (Thursby 9). Shortly following, she was appointed to northeastern regional coordinator of SCLC (Thursby 10). During her time living in Africa, Maya arranged a Ghanian demonstration supporting Martin Luther’s March on Washington. Subsequently, she organized the Ghanian itinerary for Malcolm X. Angelou was invited to a position as director for one of Malcolm X’s organizations until he died shortly after (Thursby 11). After the assassination of M. L. K., Maya utilized her writing abilities to launch a 10-part African-American culture television series (Thursby 12). Growing up in times of African-American oppression motivated Dr. Angelou to relieve suffering for her race, forming her into a public

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