Tara Smith Dishonesty Analysis

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True honesty commits to the reward of morality, which is life itself. Tara Smith defines honesty as “the refusal to fake reality” which pertains to the commitment to one’s self. Honesty may seem to apply to other’s sake as when one is dishonest it usually involves the perception of another. In fact, dishonesty is personal self-deception. Being dishonest distracts from the pursuit of our well-being and the responsibility to be virtuous. A virtue can be defined as a result of maintaining a moral standard throughout life from moral habits. Tara Smith celebrates multiple virtues throughout her essay on honesty: truth, integrity, responsibility, and rationality. She sees truth as a bind for harmony is one’s life as it explains every piece of information with purity. It is the foundation to behave with rationality when practiced as it pertains all promises to be carried out with action. In being truthful, one makes a commitment to not lie to others and, more importantly, his/herself. Rationality is the second virtue Smith acclaims as it is the observation of complete evidence. She claims “A person might still fail to achieve his objective, but being realistic about his situation is a prerequisite for…show more content…
As Plato said, true lies are a kind of ignorance to the soul because not every lie that we tell others may directly come off as a lie. This is the deception of oneself, not others. Tess Holliday is not only a stereotype shattering model, but made a truly honest decision in mapping her career. Ms. Holliday was recently signed by MiLk Modeling. She is the first model to wear a size 22 at 5’5 while being adorned with tattoos. The average model in this industry averages a size 2 at 5’9. In highschool, she was constantly bullied and reminded of her differences to what the rest of the world seemed to idolize as beautiful. She was hurt by other’s opinions but stayed true to her dreams and her personal

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