Frederick Taylor's The Principles Of Scientific Management

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In 1911, Frederick Taylor’s work, The Principles of Scientific Management was published. In his work, Taylor provided a demonstration of how the application of scientific principles to management could significantly increase the efficiency of an organization by spurring productivity among its workers (Evans & Holmes 2013, p. 7). The scientific method of operation involved simplifying tasks and optimizing their execution in a manner that encouraged specialization since the task was done in the best possible way. Prior to Taylor’s work, the work was done by artisans who learned their trade through lengthy apprenticeships (Alanis Business School, 2013). The output was dependent on the productivity of the artisan. As a result, low productivity…show more content…
7). Management is present in multiple aspects of an individual’s life in a manner that turns it into an important aspect. The typical person regardless of their environment applies aspects of management on a daily basis. On the other hand, Taylor in his argument proposed that scientific approach could be applied to management. Science can be described as a methodical body of knowledge relating to a particular field of study that involves general facts that explain a phenomenon (Alanis Business School, 2013). Science finds out the cause and effect association between two or more variables and brings out the fundamental aspects that determine the nature of the relationship. The fundamental aspects are arrived at through the implementation of the scientific method of observation and substantiation through…show more content…
It all depends on the focus of the organization; the goals the organization aims to achieve. The goals of the organization are the best guide in determining the culture to adopt at the organization (Haber 1964, p. 54). For instance, in an organization where mass production is the end goal, it would be more effective to carry out a classical approach that involves the perception of scientific management. Scientific management in this situation would be most suitable since it would entail enactment of measures that would speed the manufacturing process and insist on consistency. On the other hand, in organizations that do not have mass production as their goal, they can adopt the postmodern concept that takes into consideration the needs of the workers (Copper & Burell 1988, p.

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