Acupuncture In Sports

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Acupuncture Techniques for Athletes’ Superior Performance Acupuncture techniques for athletes have been gaining popularity in today’s world. Acupuncture is a gentle and an effective treatment which aims to improve the entire health and is accepted all over the world. Acupuncture is an age old healing technique of Traditional Chinese Medicine. There has been a phenomenal growth of sports related injuries among the athletes across all age groups of almost all the countries. Coaches and trainers now-a-days adopt acupuncture techniques for athletes’ peak performances, speed recovery from injuries and prevent injuries from occurring. Athletes mostly adopt acupuncture techniques for rapid relief from acute injuries and to fully recover from nagging…show more content…
Acupuncture techniques for athletes are also useful to increase focus and concentration, reduce pre-event anxiety, alleviate gastro-intestinal symptoms and even alleviate insomnia of the athletes. A number of sports injuries such as low back pain, neck pain, rotator cuff injuries, thoracic outlet syndrome, carpel tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, knee pain, ankle sprains, achilles tendonitis, swelling and bruising. Acupuncture technique is mainly done by putting very thin needles into the skin of the certain points of the body. This technique is done to increase the energy flow in the body. Sometimes pressure, heat and mild electrical current is also used along with the needles. Acupuncture…show more content…
Then the provider will look for points in the body which relates to certain health problems and body functions. After that, acupuncture provider will look for landmarks on the body-using certain muscles or bones, for example-to find the points so that he or she can place the needles. After finding the points, the provider will quickly tap thin needles into the patient’s skin. The patient may feel sight pressure when the needle goes into the skin. However, for most people, entering needle does not hurt. After the needle is placed, the provider may roll the needle back and forth or the provider may use heat or electrical current on the needle. The whole procedure will need 30-60 minutes which vary from person to

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