Four Pillars Of The National Honor Society

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“Whatever the mind of man can believe and conceive, it can achieve”- Napoleon Hill; and I am a believer. I am a believer that I can uphold the four pillars of the National Honor Society. Upholding these four pillars is an endless journey of learning, self-development and continuous innovation. This journey, has to be built on strong innate values of dedication, great responsibility, ownership and loyalty. These values that have been ingrained into my character through my experience at the Universal American School. A school that does not only provide first in class education but just as importantly provides the opportunity to develop a character with strong valuable ethics that would have the ability to spear head and be a leader with a successful prosperous future. With that, I am a believer…. I am a believer that I can, and will, uphold the four pillars of Scholarship, Character, Leadership, and Service.…show more content…
I am a firm believer that the more you think you know the less you actually know. Learning is a constant aim and objective I aspire for, and challenge myself with. I challenge myself in order to go beyond my comfort zone, since it is a proven way that helps us discover new skills we never knew we possessed. Knowledge is derived from various sources and I pride myself that I have the aptitude and ability not only to absorb the learnings from many different people and means but to reciprocate this learning to many others which gives me a great sense of achievement that I have contributed in some way to the learning of
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