Examples Of Dehumanization In Night

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Audre Lorde stated that, “Unless one lives and loves in the trenches; it is difficult to remember that the war against dehumanization is ceaseless.” In the memoir Night by Elie Wiesel demonstrates how Eliezer experienced his life in the concentration camp with his father and how Jews kept suffering from slavery and death. The memoir is important because it displays how Jews got tormented by the Nazi reign. Even though the Holocaust ended the Jews would not get their previous live style back. In the novella Night, Eliezer and the Jews witness dehumanization by the Germans. Dehumanization process is shown by Eliezer removing his clothes, Germans taking away his mother and sisters, and taking away his religion. The first dehumanization process was Eliezer removing his clothes. Eliezer’s “clothes were to be thrown on the floor at the barrack. There was a pile there already. New suits, old one, torn overcoats, and rags. For us it meant true equality: Nakedness” (Wiesel 35). This quote explains that Eliezer is uncomfortable removing his clothes in front of many people. In addition to being uncomfortable, the removal of clothes represented Eliezer’s loss of identity. It symbolizes his loss of identity because the removal of his clothes depicts that Eliezer will be treated as equally bad as the other Jews in the camp. The second dehumanization process is when the Germans took away…show more content…
Eliezer is dehumanized by Germans making him remove his clothes, taking away his family and his religion. The other Jews were dehumanized by the Nazi reign making them lose their identity, mistreating them and turning them against one another. The dehumanization process of Jews was one of the most horrifying events in world history and human civilization must ensure that this process does not repeat itself in the

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