Italian Culture Research Paper

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Every country has a certain culture that is recognizable by both its own country’s people and from other country’s people. Culture is a truly complex word that has a multitude different definition. One way to describe culture is customs, beliefs, and attitude that makes one area different from another. There are heaps of different elements that amount to culture. Italy’s culture is including, food, architecture, landforms, traditions, military presence, and religion. As one will notice the elements of Italy's culture is deeply rooted within its history. Many of the aged traditions and ways of life are still the same today in this fascinating country. To understand Italy's culture readers, need to be aware of the climate and geographical information…show more content…
Italians, however, differ from Americans due to them traditionally eating their largest meal for lunch. A typical traditional lunch in Italy is a 3-course meal that includes, an appetizer, main course, and bread to finish off the meal. Subsequently this has changed due to more people working jobs during the day and not being able to eat their biggest meal in the middle of the day. If they do have to ration their proportions they still try to maintain the 3-course meal just of smaller size. Italians still have a large well rounded dinner as well just not as oversized as lunch. Dinner follows the same schedule of appetizer, main course, and bread to finish the meal. This time in Italy is spent connecting with friends and family while eating a delicious meal (Thornley, 2018). The types of food Italians eats varies upon the region of Italy. For an example, Zimmerman (2017) states, “In the North of Italy, fish, potatoes, rice, sausages, pork and different types of cheeses are the most common ingredients. Pasta dishes with tomatoes are popular, as are many kinds of stuffed pasta, polenta and risotto.” She also explains that the southern parts of Italy they eat more tomato based pasta dishes. In these dishes they include eggplants, artichokes, garlic, and many other in season vegetables. Central Italy eats the food that Americans typically think of, such as pizza, spaghetti, and…show more content…
Ferragosto is the celebration of relaxation. Traditionally, Italians would take the whole month of August off to relax and spend time with family. Initially, the holiday had no authentic purpose but today is a day to to praise the Virgin Mary. Italians spend the day with cooking with family for the large feast they will be eating to celebrate Virgin Mary (Grabianowski, 2011). Carnivale DI Venezia is the celebration before lent the party can last up to two weeks. Italians wear masks and let loose before giving up lent (Grabianowski, 2011). Another custom in Italy is La Maccbbhina DI Santa Rosa. This is a day where Italians celebrate Santa Maria Rosa saving the city of Viterbo from deadly disease. They celebrate by carrying a large tower through cities and throwing a carnival for all to show their appreciation. (Grabianowski, 2011). Italy has many unique customs and traditions that formed from the rich history in this

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