Factors Affecting Consumer Behaviour

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PERSONAL FACTORS AFFECTING THE BEHAVIOR OF PURCHASE. Each client has a different personality and the personal factors that influence customer purchases the product is: a. Demography These factors influence the choice of customers in the market for related demographic information base or background of an individual, such as gender, age, ethnicity, education level and income. Important factors related to age is often overlooked by marketers. This may be due to large differences in the age of individuals who define market strategies and individuals who buy a product or service. (Kotler, Bowen, Makens, 2003, pp.205-206). There are also the individual personalities that change frequently purchased goods and services in line with the life cycle as well…show more content…
Jobs also affect a person's purchases of goods and services purchased. For example, construction workers often buy lunch from the catering to come to work. Executive officer, bought lunch from a full service restaurant, while office workers bring food from home or purchased from a nearby restaurant served quickly (Kotler, Bowen, Makens, 2003, p. 207). Another example, students who are busy with assignments and workers are busy working less fond of the dishes that need to be cooked as possible waste of time. Therefore, these people will always pay a visit to a fast food restaurant like Bapple to get donuts were able to meet the tastes of each favorite flavors. The economic situation someone would affect the choice of products, for example Rolex ranking upscale customers while Timex intended for medium-sized customers. The economic situation greatly affects a person's product selection and purchasing decisions on a particular product because it will influence the choice of the purchased goods. Marketers also need to be sensitive to income and observing the trend favored customers. For example, if customers want a

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