External Factors In Becoming A Teacher

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Whenever I am asked why I want to become a teacher several images stream to my mind. First, there is this one student sitting in the back of the room, who they call “the problem kid”. This is the kid “who cannot sit still” who is always talking out, getting distracted and distracting others. Then there is the “lazy” student who gives up on homework assignments and readings not because he doesn’t want to learn but because completing the assignment takes him double the time while understanding only a sliver of the information and as his ceaseless storm of thoughts interrupts the plot of the book. There is also the student whose house is battleground; a site of constant warfare between parents, preventing her from getting work done at home. Then there is the student who knows all the answers, who hides books among the ruins of papers in her back-pack the dog-eared pages securing loose leaf papers, the roadmaps of all the thought she never…show more content…
It is “not cool” to read anymore. Or the student who cannot focus on school because his thoughts are preoccupied with where his next meal will come from rather than exploring the rhyme scheme in a Whitman poem. All these students experience external factors which often stifle the learning process that creates negative relationships with the school. I believe all these students are intelligent beyond belief and are multitudes more than any struggle they may face. These are students who have been constantly told that they are not good enough and that their experiences of education have been tainted by social norms and buried beneath failure and confusion. The worst of the experiences of each of these students is that in some way have been made to believe that they are inadequate and even worse “not smart

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