Examples Of Racism In Huck Finn

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Was Huck a racist? Some people will also argue that Huck Finn was a racist, this is because he wanted to turn Jim in and that he used the n word. In reality, Huck struggled internally trying to decide if he should turn Jim in or not. I believe this was because Huck was trying to determine what he even thought about black people. Huck was too young to be racist and have that level of hatred for a group people. He knew what the other people around him thought, but it was obvious he didn’t agree with any of them about pretty much anything. I also think that he wasn’t struggling with racism but society’s standards. Huck saw Jim as a friend and a parental figure he didn’t want to turn him in simply because he hated black people, but because that…show more content…
In more than one instance, he references society’s standards as the reason he must turn Jim in. I don’t believe that Huck agreed with society in the sense that he was a racist, I think that was all he knew. It was what he grew up around. The only time in his life that he wasn’t around racism was when he was away form society on the raft in the river. Also he spent all of his time on the raft with Jim, a slave. This showed how comfortable he was with Jim. He listened to Jim and relied on Jim in every situation. Huck took the time to teach Jim. Huck apologized to Jim when he played the trick on him. By apologizing to Jim, Huck was proving that he wasn’t a racist, he felt bad when he hurt Jims’ feelings. We read that Huck was so venerable on the raft with Jim, and he chooses this for himself. I don’t know very many people who would choose to be so very venerable with someone that they hate. Some people may argue that since Huck used the n word that he was a racist. I disagree completely. Huck used that word choice because that’s, again, all he knew. It was the slang of the time and so he used it much like anyone else. This is another example of how Huck was struggling more with society’s standards instead of racism. Huck wasn’t racist; he…show more content…
I would have to argue yes. It is visible throughout the story that Tom follows the rules of society at the time. He believes in slavery and that it was a good idea. However, Tom also does anything he can to find adventure and to get a thrill. He makes up these elaborate plans for break ins and murders just to make his life seem more exciting. Tom does illegal things all of the time or at least thinks up illegal things and tries to carry out the plan of doing them. One example of him doing this is Tom sawyers band of robber who planned on ribbing and killing people. On page 18, Tom is telling the band of robbers the things they will be doing and it doesn’t faze Tom at all as being illegal and morally
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