Examples Of Quest In Huckleberry Finn

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Huckleberry Finn’s Quest The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is in fact not a tale of adventure; it is a story of a quest taken by a young boy in Pre Civil War time. It is shown that it is a quest because it has the five things that Thomas C. Foster says the story has to have in order for it to be a quest. It has a quester, a place to go, a clear reason to go there, challenges and trials en route, and lastly a real reason to go on the quest. Just by reading the first page of the novel, the reader is easily able to concur that the character that will be going on the quest is none other than Huckleberry Finn. Knowing who the quester is is by far the most important part to determining whether it is a quest or not. That is because if there is no quester present in the novel, how exactly can there be a quest? There are actually two questers that are portrayed in the novel and they are, Huck and Jim. Since their quests are extremely similar (They are both Ohio bound) some people think that Jim is a companion, but they are wrong because he is on his own quest to free himself.…show more content…
That is because he had no place to go and no reason to go there. So, since Jim and Huck fatefully met on the island, a quest was formed. Also since there has to be a place to go on a quest before you leave, this would not have been a quest if Jim and Huckleberry had not planned their route before they would leave. They chose to go to Cairo Illinois so they could travel upriver to Ohio. Although Cairo was their main goal, they had to change it because Jim and Huckleberry missed the town because of thick fog. Due to that, the destination changes throughout the

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