Examples Of Racism In Huckleberry Finn

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Exordium Is there racism in The Adventures Huckleberry Finn? Are Mark Twains comments throughout the book meant to insult the African community, or does he use satire throughout the novel to chastise the Americans of the time for being so hypocritical? Mark Twain was not a racist in my eyes, especially for the time period he lived in. The novel Huckleberry Finn contains several racial slurs, and much disrespect shown toward the blacks, but its just served as an example of what he lived in and what was accepted as morally right. Using a good Christian family, who are loving and caring, but talk so casually about having a slave and how blacks are not even people, but below people, another species even. Narrtio Today’s language is entirely different than that of 19th century southern America, so when the novel is read today, is has utterly different meaning than it did to readers back then, but has managed to be an American…show more content…
The treatment of Africans, the usage of the “N” word constantly, are both reasons readers could be offended. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Black protesters, offended by the repetitions of the "n" word in the mouths of white and black characters, Twain's representation of the escaped slave Jim and of black characters in general, and the negative traits assigned to blacks, objected to the use of Huck Finn. A lot of people say that when a student reads this novel, and has to read the “n” word, creates humiliation for the student. That word was used to insult Blacks then, and is even more offensive now. The treatment of Blacks in the novel is also described as racist, and offensive, which it is, but was culturally accepted when the book was written. When Huck says “I’ll go to hell” for helping Jim, or when Jim is considered a runaway slave and would be killed if found like some animal, even keeping him locked up, all of which people find offensive, suggesting the book is
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