Paine And Boucher Analysis

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Both Paine and Boucher wrote two documents that are entirely different to each other. Paine wants independence from America while Boucher believes not having independence is the right thing. Paine does not use slavery as much as freedom in his passage. When he mentions that, “Great Britain, tends directly to involve this Continent in European wars and quarrels,..” (Foner 194) I think he is slightly referring to slavery in this. He is saying Britain is making us do things we do not need to be doing, and we would be much better without them. Paine uses “freedom” as a global thing we can get out of this. He mentions how other places are also being treated unfairly and can also use Freedom. Boucher on the other hand is saying in a way “slavery” is a good thing. He mentions if Christians are not listening to a government they are also not listening to God (Foner 195). He thinks…show more content…
Paine in his document used easier words that would be easier for anyone to understand. He decided that trying to connect with people was much more important. Paine decided to use lines that can relate to others. He is talking to those that are still hopeful for change. “Membership in the British empire, was a burden to the colonies, not a benefit” (Foner 193) he sees nothing good out of it. I agree with this Boucher in his, Britain only caused more conflicts that necessary. Boucher uses God as his main point. I believe that by using God he knew he would get some people to be on his side because many were religious. Boucher is very persuasive when writing, and makes people feel that they are being treated how they should be. “It is our duty to enjoy it with gratitude and with thankfulness, and, in particular, to be careful not to abuse it with licentiousness” in this line he is making his audience know that it is our job to not ignore the laws because God has given us “freedom”. I do not know where he gets freedom from since people were treated

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